Good day,

Upgrade to PHP 7.2 before 31st August 2020

Due to the lack of security support for previous PHP versions, we will no longer support these versions on our hosting platform after 31st August 2020

If your website is still making use of these outdated PHP versions, it will automatically be upgraded to PHP 7.2.

We recommend that you take action now, to ensure your site is compatible with PHP 7.2 or above, by making use of the PHP version switcher in the cPanel MultiPHP Manager tool. Using this tool allows you to test your website's compatibility in a controlled manner, with the option to downgrade back to the older version, should you find any errors.

All major content management systems recommend PHP 7.2 and above due to the performance and security benefits. 

If you need any assistance with this, please open a support ticket or book a webmaster session and our team will do this for you, along with updates to your website and plugins.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

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